showing 15 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault  Electronic Arts (2015)2002 20thcentury firstpersonshooter idtech3 medalofhonor milessound opengl osx osx-1 osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 ppc worldwar2 zip labelimagesubject
Call of Duty  Aspyr Media (Infinity Ward)2003 20thcentury aaa callofduty firstpersonshooter idtech3 milessound militantprotagonist militaryfiction naturalistic opengl osx osx-10 osx-11 osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 osx-6 osx-7 osx-9 ppc worldwar2 x86 zip labelminimizeminimize
Hearts of Iron Virtual Programming (Paradox Development Studio;Mac Play)2003 1930s 1940s earth grandstrategy grid grid-irregular heartsofiron-series osx osx0 ppc ppcg3 war wargame worldwar worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Battlefield 1942 Aspyr2004 1940s 20thcentury battlefield-series driving firstpersonshooter mpfocus multivehicular osx osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 ppc refractor2-engine walking worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Commandos 2: Men of Courage Feral Interactive (Pyro Studios;Zonic)2005 20thcentury commandos-series dvd facing indicator-threat lineofsight militantprotagonist militaryfiction mouse naturalistic osx osx-2 ppc ppcg3 secretmission tactical worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
American History Lux Sillysoft Games2006 1750s 1760s 1770s 1780s 1840s 1860s 18thcentury 1910s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1990s 19thcentury 20thcentury 2ndmillennium africa africa-north alabama alaska algeria americancivilwar americanrevolutionarywar australia austria belarus belgium bosnia bulgaria california cambodia canada china civilwar coldwar commercial connecticut croatia czechoslovakia demo denmark difficulty earth england estonia europe fatbinary finland florida france frenchandindianwar georgia-usa germany greece greenland grid grid-irregular gulfwar hawaii herzegovina hungary illinois independencewar indiana iraq ireland italy japan java kentucky korea koreanwar kuwait langbrazil-port laos latvia license-proprietary lithuania louisiana maine massachusetts mexican-americanwar mexico militantprotagonist mississippi morocco netherlands newengland newhampshire newmexico northamerica northcarolina norway oregon osx osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 pacificwar past ppc quintanaroo quitsave rhodeisland risk romania russia scotland serbia slovakia slovenia southcarolina spain stalematewar sweden switzerland tennessee texas tunisia turkey ukraine usa vermont vietnam vietnamwar war warfare-air warfare-land warfare-sea washington worldwar worldwar1 worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Call of Duty 2  Aspyr2006 1940s 1life 20thcentury aaa ammomagazines asia aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-5-4 aspectratio-wide-auto aureal3d callofduty city city-moscow-ru city-volgograd-ru eax eax2 eax3 fatbinary firearms firstpersonshooter friendlyfire grenades healthregen healthregen-fast idtech3 iwengine milessound militantprotagonist militaryfiction mp-dm mp-teams multilingual naturalistic oneofmany opengl osx osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 playerprofiles ppc precisionrifles ruins russia savepoints serious speech-german uselessallies voicechat war widescreen wintery worldwar2 x86 labelminimizeminimize
Call of Duty: World at War  Activision Blizzard (Treyarch;Aspyr Media)2008 1940s 20thcentury aaa accuracy-motion accuracy-turning aimmode ammomagazines assaultrifles callofduty capacity-toolslots city city-berlin-de controllablehelplessness damageindicator damageovertime distortedvision driving dynamicaccuracy firearms flamethrowers fofindicator forest fullscreen germany gore grenadecooking grenaderethrow grenades grenadewarning handguns healthregen healthregen-fast healthwarning hillland hud-dynamic incendiarygrenades invisiblewalls ironsights island iwengine japan jumping killingblow knives leaning limitedcapacity lipsync machineguns meleeweapons militantprotagonist militaryfiction mountedweapons mp-cooperative mp-survival multilingual naturalistic nohealthdisplay nplayers oneofmany osx overheating pain postures precisionrifles rating-esrb-m resuscitation riflegrenades rockets rural serious shotguns singlegender smokegrenades speech-german speech-japanese splatter submachineguns tank tanks telescope thermalweapons thickvegetation title-static trampling trivialobstacles tropic uvl-osversion vaulting voicechat walking war worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Day of Defeat: Source Valve2010 1940s europe firearms mp-crossplatform osx precisionrifles pvp riflegrenades shovels sourceengine steampowered war worldwar worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Unity of Command  2x2 Games (2x2 Games;Dvaput)2012 1940s 20thcentury desura download earth grid grid-hex past russia steampowered war worldwar worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Deadly 30 Headup Games;Meridian4 (Headup Games)2013 1940s 20thcentury achievements assaultrifles barricading bathos bunker circadiancycle distortedvision firearms forest gianthumanoids group group-switch healingitems humor-toilet indie karmiccreatures mountain nopointercapture obsoletedassets periodicdangers platformexclusive precisionrifles predefinedcontrols reload-auto reload-manual rewardingvandalism rural shopping shotguns singlegenderopposition steampowered strangebedfellows submachineguns timepiece turrets undead undeadanimals upgradesystem worldwar2 zombieapocalypse zombies labelminimizeminimize
Tropico 5 Kalypso Media (Haemimont Games)2014 19thcentury 20thcentury 21stcentury 3rdmillennium builders citybuilding colonialera commercial download earth fogofwar governmentsimulation island license-proprietary mp-cooperative mp-versus osx past present researching steampowered trading tropico-series tyrant worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Battle of the Bulge Slitherine (Shenandoah Studio)2015 commercial download earth europe keyboard license-proprietary mouse mp-crossplatform mp-ffa mp-versus naturalistic osx steampowered unity-engine wargame worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Sudden Strike 4 Kalypso Media Digital (Kite Games)2017 indevelopment osx steampowered suddenstrike-series worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Tropico 6 Kalypso Media (Limbic Entertainment)2019 19thcentury 20thcentury 21stcentury 3rdmillennium builders citybuilding colonialera commercial download earth fogofwar governmentsimulation island license-proprietary mp-cooperative mp-versus past present researching steampowered trading tropico-series tyrant ubuntu worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize